December 19
February 7
/Welcome to CreateCulture Lab — a pioneering laboratory dedicated to fostering connections among professionals from the IT, Cultural, and Business sectors while igniting collaborations and propelling the birth of novel products and startups.
/Events & Workshops
February 7, 2024
Start: 7 p.m.
SOLO SOCIETY (St. Stepono str. 33)
The culminatina moment of CreateCulture Lab is our Pitching Session. Get ready to see the Sprint participants showcase their prototypes and projects. A minimum of three outstanding projects will earn entry into our partner's accelerator, securing vital seed investments. This occasion will draw a diverse audience, media coverage, industry experts & investors. Join us for a transformative experience at this essential event.
/Tune in to our live stream on YouTube!
/Creative Product Development Sprint
January 22 - February 5, 2024
Join the exciting 15-day Sprint, where teams dive into mentorship, expert sessions, and checkpoints to craft their product prototypes. CreateCulture Lab invites participation from all corners— Belarusian & international artists, designers, cultural representatives, the creative class, and beyond. Our aim is to cultivate innovation at the crossroads of art, technology, and design. We extend our welcome to individuals from IT companies and enthusiasts passionate about art, tech, and business.
At the sprint's conclusion, envision a remarkable outcome—revolutionary prototypes that seamlessly blend technology with the vibrant realms of art and culture. Anticipate the transformation of innovative ideas into tangible creations at this intersection. Be part of the innovation wave! The final streaming pitching session awaits to showcase your brilliance.
/Registration for the Sprint is CLOSED!
/15 days
/15-day Sprint, where teams dive into mentorship, drop-in sessions, and checkpoints to craft their product prototypes.
/10+ teams
/Belarusian & international artists, designers, cultural representatives, the creative class, and beyond.
/Special prizes
/Three outstanding projects will earn entry into Axios Accelerator. And in addition, there will be special prizes from our partners.
/Our partners